Telephone: 07599 087527

Registered Charity Number: 232214


Fb @Goole RSPCA
Instagram rspcagoolefabfelines

About Goole RSPCA

Goole and District RSPCA is a registered charity in its own right,and whilst we work closely with the national charity, we are responsible for generating most of our own funds. The branch is run solely by volunteers.

We undertake cat fostering in RSPCA approved pens and skilled foster homes. We help with orphaned kittens in need of hand rearing and take on kittens, cats and pregnant queens in need of our help or from the inspectorate. We help trap feral cats and, once they have had a thorough health check, been wormed, deflea’d and neutered, look for new caring outdoor homes for them.

The branch normally hosts two separate welfare action days throughout the year, one each for dogs and cats. At each action day we usually offer a free health check by a qualified veterinarian, discounted/free neutering, plus free worming and flea treatment (cat action day only).

We support a neutering scheme for cats. This is aimed at those on means tested benefits who live in the DN14 area. Terms and conditions apply.

Complaints Procedure

If you would like to review our complaints procedure please use the below link to the National RSPCA site


Last year Goole RSPCA

* Accepted 180 cats into our care
* Rehomed 162 cats and kittens
* Neutered 204 cats, dogs and rabbits
* Provided welfare treatment for 91 animals


YOU can make a difference to the life of a cat in DN14. Choose one (or more) of the following ways to help us help cats and kittens that desperately need it.
